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Nap Nanny Recalled

 Posted on July 16, 2013 in Uncategorized

Today’s market for baby and toddler products has numerous options for new parents, but unfortunately many of these products are recalled on a daily basis. Parents are shocked to learn, sometimes too late, that the products they have used with their children are incredibly dangerous. The Nap Nanny is the latest in a line of baby products that’s been determined unsafe for children.

The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission recalled the product last week after 5 infant deaths were reported from using the product. The Nap Nanny was a soft surface for babies to sleep on, and many other parents reported that their child was falling off the product. This recall was a surprise to some parents, who alleged that the product wasn’t dangerous at all. The product has already been through some recall challenges in 2010, when it was forced to get a new warning label and implement some design changes. The company making the Nap Nanny, Baby Matters, is out of business, but the products were still sold in many retail locations nationwide.

Unintentional injuries and deaths from products is an unfortunate reality for many parents who use these products and initiate the first claims of concern. Sadly, many products are not recalled until the negative aspects have been recorded by at least several families. Even vigilant parents are likely to interact with a dangerous product at least once in the lifetime of their baby.

Parents can report issues with questionable products to the Consumer Product Safety Commission at any time, which helps the issue to be taken seriously as more parents chime in. That process can be started on, and the website also has a list of recently recalled products that parents can check before purchasing a new product.

Avoiding used safety products is another way to protect yourself against harmful items. If you or your child has been hurt by a recalled product, contact an attorney today.

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